Sunday, 27 November 2011

In and loving it....still lots to do.

Day 265 - Moving in slowly - more post build installations happening.
Since getting the keys over 1 week ago, we have had our carpet laid, Evap cooling installed along with the Solectair - Solar heating unit.

The phone is now connected , just waiting for iiNET to do their thing with the ADSL connection.

The still to do list is quite large, never seems enough time on the weekends.


  1. Hi there. Been following your blog from Day 1> Well done on finally getting there. We are also building with Ashford. At frame stage

  2. Hey Ernie, Its looking good, hope you've managed to get all moved in for Christmas. Thanks for your help this year, its been invaluable. Like Anon above we now have frames also, its all going smoothly so far. Lets hope Ashford keep it up.
