Monday, 31 October 2011

PCI done & dusted

Day 229, With the contract date looming ( Day 240 ) Ashford Homes have used every inch of their time allocated.  PCI went smoothly, only 2 pages of items to correct & touch up. There is two major items, the Laundry bench top which had several marks on it which were not able to be removed. The other one being the the windows on the West side of the house, which the retaining wall guy damaged when he cut down the metal posts with his angle grinder, spraying the windows with hot metal fragments. All are to be replaced..costly for him.
 With the retaining wall now finished, the occupancy certificate can be issued, the remaining 5m along the rear of the block finally done - only 4 months late.

The remaining house is looking good, Shower screens & mirrors installed in the bathrooms.

 We have a GAS meter !  

We should have the occupancy certificate by the end of this week, organise the final Bank cheque.

Have to get busy now,  Concrete , Carpet , Evap Air conditioning  to organise, Oh, our appliances to fit - Matt to do these.

And then the furniture, many delivery trucks to program.....too may thing to think about..

More later :-))))

Sunday, 23 October 2011

PCI in sight...almost there we hope.

Day 221 - With PCI booked for this Wednesday, the end is finally close....we hope !...With a further flurry of activity this past 2 weeks, we age getting close to a handover..if the retaining wall can get sorted.  Dean was found under a rock somewhere...but can he get up to speed and finish the retaining wall... Can he if fact build it correctly....Hmmm not so far. Still many issues to resolve.
 After some last minute changes  and lack of F7 TP rails, we accepted Red gum  for the rails - Now this needs to be sorted - B grade sleepers will not be accepted, several of the existing wall sleepers are sub standard with large sections not the full thickness.

New posts added - different heights ? Not sure why !!
 The plumbing is now mostly sorted, Tapware and basins now full installed.
 Kitchen Under bench Sink looking good.

Another milestone, is the tiles are now finished - the last lot of Kitchen tiles now completed after the bench tops were installed.

As I mentioned earlier, PCI is booked for Wednesday this week. A milestone for Ashford homes and the end is getting closer.  The big list is being prepared for the PCI our SS preparing the house for a handover in the next 10 day's  ???  HE better be.

More another day >>>>>>

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Benchtop's In

Day 205 - After the drama's of the past few weeks with the stone people, the Bench tops are finally installed - they " look fantastic " as Sandy shouted yesterday when she saw them for the first time.

The Ducted Heating now installed fully from what we can see, the flue for it can be seen on the rooftop.
Still missing in action is dean the retaining wall guy - once again he has not started the rebuild of the western side retaining wall - waiting for timber still so we are told...time is running out !!

Still to do :-

* Plumber final fit off of the water items.
* Touch up of the painted surface.
* Tiles & Mirror's above the new bench tops.
* Ducted Vac system 

The finish line is finally in sight - bring on the PCI  - Let's get it finished.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Power to the people......PV's installed

Day 200 - Week 32 - Our PV Panels and Inverter are now fully install and signed off just in time for the Vic Government PFit deadline of 30/9  It's up to SP Ausnet now to get the meter programmed for the feed in recording.

Growatt  3kW Inverter  combined with 16 x 190W MonoCrystalline PV Panels.  Facing 12deg East of day so far is 22kWhours.

The Shower screens are now installed, all the cupboard & WIR shelving fit out is now completed.

The painter has been back doing some trim up painting, the front door now with it's first coat of the final colour - Black.

The garage door now operational.

Good news on the Stone bench tops, they found another supplier and they have been made, fitting is due by this Friday 7th October.

Still no Dean the retaining wall guy - this weeks excuse  - the F7 rated timber had to be re sealed at the manufacturer's 'cause it did not come out right the first time....Hmmmm.... Yeah right.  He is running out of time - he could be organising the yet unfitted posts to be installed while he is waiting.

The ducted heating is booked for next week, so I'm told. See if this comes true.

Most items now ticked off the list - PCI  here we come, 2 weeks time  ?  See how they go.

More another Day :->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>